There is a lot of confusion over whether an ESD floor should be static dissipative or conductive. Unfamiliar with technical details, specifiers often require a floor to be conductive or dissipative, convinced one is better than the other. This is not the case and a floor should always be chosen based on the individual requirements.…
Read MoreThe purpose of painting your floor with ESD paint is to remove static. The paint will absorb the static charge but it needs somewhere to escape via a grounding point. Grounding is a simple easy process. Normally one grounding point is required for every 1000 ft2 (111 m2) of flooring. The most effective way…
Read MoreWe are often asked the main difference between our two ESD paints so we have created this handy table to help you make the correct choice: If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Read MoreWhen we started to develop Statclear A50 we knew there was a demand in our core market,the electronics manufacturing industry, for a permanent clear anti static coating. We have been surprised by interest in Statclear from a broad range of other markets including packaging, escalator maintenance and even the Canadian police force. What we did…
Read MoreYou have invested time and money into your ESD floor . The floor is now an integral part of your static control system so you want to maintain it properly so that it continues to work effectively for the foreseeable future. Simple steps to care for your ESD floor The good news is that your…
Read MoreWe have regularly been on site when a surface resistivity meter has been placed on the concrete factory floor and the reading indicates the floor is within the range to be classed as static dissipative. Static problem solved – yes? Unfortunately not, bare concrete floors can exhibit anti static (dissipative or conductive) properties. Whilst…
Read MoreWe are so used to discussing the negative effects of static electricity, we thought it about time we should discuss the positive impact it can have on your everyday life. Mobile phones Did you know that every time you touch the screen of your mobile to open an app you are using the power of…
Read MoreWe can’t stress enough how important it is to prepare the surface properly before the application of ESD paint. This is the most important part of any floor installation. If you just slap on the paint without any preparation, the results will be haphazard so like any job, preparation is the key, and will save…
Read MoreWe are getting asked with increasing frequency do I need to paint walls with ESD paint? The first question I always ask is “Why”? Look to your floor If a floor is ESD protected with a static dissipative surface then anyone brushing or rubbing against a wall will discharge straight into the floor through their…
Read MoreYou’ve spent the money, painted or installed your Anti Static floor. All sorted – right? No need to do anything else is there or do you need to test your Anti Static floor?? Assuming you have followed the manufacturers instructions correctly your floor should be working and static is being removed quickly and safely. How…
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