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How does Anti Static Paint work?

How does Anti Static Paint work?

You have a problem with static, you’ve been recommended anti static paint but how does anti static paint work? The majority of people quite frankly don’t care. If it solves their static problem they are happy. If however you are one of the minority or want to understand the basic principals involved we can help.…

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Do I need an ESD floor?

Do I need an ESD floor?

If you have a problem with static an ESD ( electrostatic discharge) floor can help. Static is a problem that can manifest itself in many ways in a work environment. In terms of electronics it is believed that up to 50% of hardware failures are static related. In other settings it can produce shocks, sparks…

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Stencil Cleaning Roll Packaging

Stencil Cleaning Roll Packaging

Stencil Cleaning Roll packaging is really very simple. Rolls need to be kept clean and so are individually packaged. It is not hard to get that right so why do some suppliers get it so horribly wrong? The simple answer is static generation. ESD Safe bag Stencil Cleaning Rolls are used in static sensitive areas,…

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Static Terms and Definitions

Static Terms and Definitions

Looking for a floor to remove static? It can be very confusing when you see all the different terms used. We have sold floor coatings for over 30 years and are rarely asked for the same thing by customers. We have therefore produced the following guide on static terms and definitions which explains the terms…

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Static Electricity – What is it?

Static Electricity – What is it?

What is Static Electricity? We have all witnessed Static Electricity. Have you ever walked across a room and got a shock when you have touched a door handle? Taken off a jumper on a dry winter’s day and had a «hair raising» experience and who can’t remember playing with balloons by rubbing against your jumper…

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Is Stencil Roll Cleaning Material All The Same?

Is Stencil Roll Cleaning Material All The Same?

Unfortunately not. The industry standard for Stencil Roll Cleaning Material is Hydroentangled Polyester Cellulose. It sounds a mouthful but in simple terms Polyester and Cellulose (wood pulp for those who prefer that term) fibres are knitted together using high pressure jets, NO GLUE. Cheap material use short fibres that unravel. Better materials, such as Sontara®…

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Unit 2 Coquet Enterprise Park
Amble Northumberland
NE65 0PE


0044 (0)1665 710393

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